Your donations help us to build a solid fund that we can use to respond to a SOF family emergency very quickly. Help us help those families in need now and beyond the time of the tragedy, when the attention is off the family and they are left to recover their lives. Select the amount you would like us to automatically deduct from your credit card or PayPal account each month. Your ongoing contributions matter!
Join us in raising awareness for the Special Operation Forces community and their families by joining one of our signature Stay the Course challenges Swimming for Spec Ops or Sprinting For Spec Ops or start your own challenge today. Our Stay the Course challenges were founded on the premise that our SOF wouldn't quit on us so we can't quit on them. We encourage you to Stay the Course with Red Circle Foundation and challenge yourself to do something you have always wanted to do, then start an RCF community page on Facebook or Twitter and tell your friends and family about your challenge. When you Stay the Course with the RCF team you become part of something larger than yourself.
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The Red Circle Foundation is looking for people who have experience in supporting donation drives, fundraising events, and other charitable work. Lend you expertise in business, law, public relations, advertising, video production, and e-marketing.
Take time to volunteer at one of the events we'll host this year. Red Circle Foundation calls upon their local QRF teams when they plan to host an event in a specific region. If you would like to join the team and take part in one of our events as a staff member let us know and we will add you to the team in your region.
You can partner with RCF by planning a fundraising event in your area. Have an idea for an event, let us know and we will work with you to make your event a success. We recommend a Benefit Concert, Gold Tournament, a Walk/Run or a Charity Auction.
The Steadfast support of our corporate partners allows Red Circle Foundation to make a difference in the lives of our Special Operations Forces and their families. We welcome new corporate partners to allow us to carry out our important work.